
Background: Surgical site infections (SSIs) remain a significant concern in operating rooms, largely influenced by the adherence to aseptic techniques by healthcare professionals. Despite the critical role of operating room nurses in preventing these infections, gaps in knowledge and practice persist, affecting the overall quality of patient care in tertiary healthcare settings. Objective: This study aimed to assess the knowledge and practices of operating room nurses regarding aseptic techniques for infection prevention in tertiary care hospitals. Methods: A descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted at a tertiary care hospital in Lahore, involving 130 operating room nurses with over a year of service. The study employed purposive sampling to administer a validated questionnaire assessing demographic data, knowledge, and practices related to aseptic techniques. Data were collected from January to March 2023 and analyzed using SPSS version 25, employing descriptive and inferential statistics to explore the relationship between demographic factors and knowledge/practices of aseptic techniques. Results: The study found that 60% of nurses were aware that a gown is considered sterile in specified areas, and 54.6% understood the contamination risks of dropped sterile packages. Approximately 62.3% recognized the importance of maintaining a safe distance during procedures. Despite these knowledge indicators, 94% of nurses routinely practiced sterile techniques, and 91% adhered to proper handwashing protocols. However, the overall level of knowledge concerning aseptic techniques was low, with significant gaps that could potentially impact patient safety. Conclusion: The study highlights a discrepancy between the knowledge and practices of operating room nurses regarding aseptic techniques, indicating a critical need for enhanced training and continuous education to bridge these gaps and improve infection control measures in surgical settings.

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