
In the year 2017, the 500th anniversary of the Reformation is commemorated in countries all over the world. The Reformation was an ecclesiastical and theological renewal movement, but through congregational singing, the ideas of the Reformation spread rapidly through many countries. It was thus also a singing movement. The commemoration year offers an opportunity to explore the ecumenical possibilities of singing and to search for new perspectives. In this article, the exegesis of a hymn text provides the opportunity for a theological discussion on various dimensions of space opened up by worship. They are, among others, the space to meet God, to meet other people and to meet oneself; the space for God’s work; the space to live the faith; the space for memory (anamneses) and a space to get new perspectives – thus presenting the opportunity to ‘change space’. The space created by music is space for praising God, for proclaiming, hearing and believing God’s Word, together with other possibilities. In the hymn that is analysed, the six main spaces or areas of the church’s work within which music and singing could function, come into play. The Gattung, Liedpredigt, opens the possibility for sermons based on hymns – an important ‘use’ of hymns since the time of the Reformation. It is a possibility that should be emphasised anew in the commemoration year. The performative function of the hymn (the effect or functioning of a hymn) as it is experienced concretely in the performance (the singing of the hymn), is discussed briefly. A need for new sacred spaces and sacrality in spaces provides new space for traditional hymns and for the organ as an instrument traditionally associated with worship – provided they share the space with other instruments, fill the space with new colours of sound and allow for new forms of singing. The tradition should be re-interpreted constantly, to sound the faith anew in each space where it is voiced and heard.


  • Een en dertig Oktober 1517 word as simboliese datum vir die begin van die Kerkhervorming herdenk.2 Met die oog op die 500 jaar viering van die Hervorming in 2017, het die bewusmakingsprosesse in Duitsland reeds ’n dekade vroeër begin, met ’n bepaalde tema waaraan elke jaar aandag gegee is

  • Die één saak wat hulle egter saamgebring het, wat hulle bind en wat ook mense oor die wêreld heen bind, is die kerklied

  • Die Arbeitsgemeinschaft für ökumenisches Liedgut (AÖL) is die interkonfessionele werkgemeenskap vir die ekumeniese liedskat wat poog om binne die Duitse taalgebied ooreenstemming in die weergawes van liedere te verkry

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Original Research

Read online: Scan this QR code with your smart phone or mobile device to read online. The exegesis of a hymn text provides the opportunity for a theological discussion on various dimensions of space opened up by worship. They are, among others, the space to meet God, to meet other people and to meet oneself; the space for God’s work; the space to live the faith; the space for memory (anamneses) and a space to get new perspectives – presenting the opportunity to ‘change space’. Die 95 stellings, wat as grondslag vir ’n akademiese dispuut oor die temas moes dien, was wel aangeheg aan die briewe wat Martin Luther aan biskoppe en ander geestelikes geskryf het (Iserloh 1962; Wolff 2013), https://www.unifr.ch/iso/assets/files/Publikationen/Iserloh_Inhalt.pdf, Web besoek: 18 September 2016. Http://www.ekd.de/presse/pm119_2016_gt24_ heilung_erinnerung.html, Web besoek: 18 September 2016 Gemeinsames Wort zum Jahr 2017. http://www.ekd.de/presse/pm119_2016_gt24_ heilung_erinnerung.html, Web besoek: 18 September 2016

Open Access
Ruimte vir God en vir mekaar
Ruimte vir God se werk
Ruimtes waar die kerklied werk
Ruimtes deur die melodie gevorm
Speelruimtes van vryheid
Mededingende belange
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