
The relevance of the study. The life and creative path of Kira Shamayeva, a researcher of the history of Ukrainian musical culture widely known in Ukraine and abroad, the discoverer of many forgotten pages of the activities of outstanding representatives of national culture, doctor of art history, professor of the general and specialized piano department of the Ukrainian National Tchaikovsky Academy of Music, who celebrated her anniversary in December 2021, is considered.
 The process of K. I. Shamayeva's professional development from studying at the Zhytomyr Music School named after V. S. Kosenko to the Kyiv Conservatory named after P. I. Tchaikovsky, the influence on her formation such prominent professors of the Kiev and Moscow Conservatories as O. H. Holodna, N. O. Horiukhina, L. P. Yefremova, T. M. Livanova, I. F. Belza is highlighted..
 The main milestones of Shamayeva’s creative biography are identified: the 1975 defense of the candidate's thesis "Concert life of Kyiv in the 1920s (1917–1932)", the 1992 doctoral thesis - "Music education in Ukraine and inter-Slavic cultural ties in the 19th century"; the project of the First (2003) and Second (2013) books of the collection "From the heritage of masters" in the study of the history of the Kiev Conservatory. The value of the dissertation researches of K. I. Shamayeva is substantiated as outstanding works of source studies, which highlighted new facts of the history of Ukrainian musical culture
 The purpose of the study is to prove the outstanding Shamayeva's contribution in opening of new pages of the history of Ukrainian musical culture based on close inter-Slavic ties, in the discovering of many forgotten pages of life and activity of outstanding figures of national culture, emphasized the high methodical and educational level of pedagogical work of Shamayeva at the Department of General and Specialized Piano of the Ukrainian National Tchaikovsky Academy of Music, aimed at connecting the subject with the future profession of students of different faculties, the broad general musical education of students.
 Methodological basis. In order to perform the tasks the method of biographical reconstruction was used in the work.
 Conclusions. Highlighting the main milestones of the creative biography, directions of scientific and pedagogical activity of the doctor of art history, professor, professor of the general and specialized piano department of the Ukrainian National Tchaikovsky Academy of Music Kira Shamayeva, we can say with confidence that she is an extraordinary personality, whose life credo is the ideas of enlightenment, the desire to preserve and increase the historical memory of the history of Ukrainian culture, and the wide involvement of young people in cultural and educational activities. Her large-scale scientific output (more than 100 works) contains in-depth source studies and discoveries from the lives of outstanding personalities, the discovery of deep connections between Slavic cultures, which are invaluable for the history of Ukrainian culture. The works of K. I. Shamayeva confirmed source studies as a fundamental direction of musicological science, which contributes to a deeper study and understanding of the history of national culture

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