
The article is devoted to the functional-semantic analysis of the group of terms of in poetic discourse. A broad approach to understanding the terms of as an open, formally and functionally open lexical-semantic system has been presented. The purpose of the article is to determine the system of family relations in the poetic discourse on the material of the modern Mykolaiv author A. Surov’s works. Achieving this goal necessitates the solution of a number of tasks: 1) to objectify lexical means of expressing in poetic discourse; 2) to make a semantic interpretation of the terms of in A. Surov’s poetic speech; 3) to identify syntagmatic and paradigmatic connections of words that explain the in the texts; 4) to analyse the ways of poetic images formation with the help of terms of kinship. The object of the research is fragments of poetic discourse that contain explicators of kinship; the subject of the research is the semantic features of the terms of in A. Surov’s poetic speech. All published works of the author, having about three hundred uses of words containing kinship seme, have been analysed. The study of words with the semantics of is carried out according to the method of complex semantic description, which involves the use of systematic contextual analysis, which takes into account the syntagmatic and paradigmatic relationships of words in the text. Descriptive and statistical methods have also been used during the material collection and processing. The discourse analysis showed that the terms of blood are used in A. Surov’s poetic speech much more often than the terms of formed as a result of marriage. The author uses mainly the terms of blood relationship in neighbouring generations (father – mother, son – daughter), in one generation (brother – sister) and across generations (grandmother – grandfather, grandchildren) and the terms of formed as a result of marriage (husband – wife, groom – bride). The coincidence of convertible pairs in one poetic text is natural for A. Surov's poetic language. Terms of acquire connotative semes due to the combination with words expressing evaluation, when using forms with reduced-loving suffixes synochek (sonny), dochka, dochenka (daughter), dedushka (grandfather), babulia (granny) and spatial forms of mam (mom), mamka (mummy), batka (dad), bratan (brother), bratukha ( brother). The leading ways of figurative meaning formation are the use of terms of in comparisons (And the wind smelled like a bride's skirt), set expressions (I am a northern snow lost son) and in addresses (All your emerald deposits, father of the Urals!). Peculiar is the use of terms of as a conversion pair, which do not have a correlation in the language system (grandmother – children, mother – grandfather, etc.): And my grandmother in the Warsaw ghetto / Under a black skirt hid children. The system of family relations is the most significant fragment of A. Surov's poetic picture of the world. With these terms, the poet builds a single and holistic picture of the world, in the centre of which there is a person connected with the surrounding reality primarily by blood. The analysis of this group of terms of in A. Surov’s poetry has shown the productivity of this approach and opens up prospects for the poetic discourse study

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