
Grass jelly is one of the plants that has considerable potential as medicine and drinks. This study was conductedto determine how kinship plant species Grass jelly from three districts. The Exploration of Grass jelly plantsconducted in Gianyar, Tabanan and Badung, Bali province. Making preparations in the Structures Laboratory ofPlant Development (SPT) Faculty Udayana University and the Center of Veterinary (BBVet). This research wascarried out from September 2015-January 2016. This research method using the technique of embedding andfresh slices, FAA fixative (formaldehyde: glacial acetic acid: alcohol 70% = 1: 1: 9), 1% safranin staining in 70%alcohol. For the analysis of kinship qualitative and quantitative data were suspended leaf anatomical charactersto create table Taxonomy Operation Unit (OTU). The results are used OTU table into mini-tab program version14.The result showed that four species of grass jelly plants are Cyclea barbata, Stephania japonica, Stephaniacapitata and Cocculus orbiculatus. Leaf form is like shields and ellipse. Kinship four types of plant grass jellyfrom three districts are very much based on morphological and anatomical characters (level 15.64% similarity).


  • Grass jelly is one of the plants that has considerable potential as medicine and drinks

  • The Exploration of Grass jelly plants conducted in Gianyar

  • 1% safranin staining in 70% alcohol

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Eksplorasi dan pengambilan sampel daun dilakukan di Kabupaten Gianyar (16 desa), Tabanan (10 desa) dan Badung (27 desa) di Provinsi Bali. Identifikasi, pembuatan dan pengamatan preparat dilakukan di Laboratorium SPT, BBVET pada Bulan September 2015 – Februari 2016. Pembuatan preparat anatomi menggunakan metode embedding (irisan lintang) dengan larutan fiksatif FAA dan pewarnaan menggunakan 1% safranin dalam alkohol 70%, sedangkan metode non-embedding untuk mengamati tipe, bentuk stomata dan epidermis atas dan bawah dengan pewarnaan 1% safranin dalam alkohol 70%. Setiap jenis diambil 30 individu, setiap individu diambil 5 daun, setiap daun dibuat 5 irisan lintang dan bujur. Hasil penelitian berupa data kualitatif dan kuantitatif yang diskor. Hasil skor data kualitatif dan kuantitatif dibuat tabel OTU (Operation Taksonomy Unit) dalam bentuk microsoft excel, kemudian dimasukkan ke dalam program minitab vis 14 untuk menganalisis hubungan kekerabatan cincau yang ditemukan

Karakteristik Morfologi dan Anatomi Daun Cincau
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