Kinetic study on Anti CPV IgY has been performed on six dogs aged 5-10 months. The IgY was injectedintravenously at dose of 21.4mg /10kg body weight. IgY levels in the blood were determined by ELISA. Aresearch was conducted to find out the kinetics of Anti CPV IgY in dogs blood. The kinetics of IgY wascalculated by using regression analysis to determine the association on the levels of IgY in serum againsttime at injection. The results showed that kinetic parameters were calculated based on first order kinetics.The constant elimination rate of IgY was at the range between 0.007 to 0.015 / h. IgY concentration in thedogs blood was from 0.746 to 0.992 mg / mL. The half-life of IgY was from 1.65 to 4.01 / d. Volumedistribution of IgY was between 21.47 to 28,55 / mL. Total IgY in the dog bodies (AUC) was from 42,60 to142,00 mg / mL.h. The duration of the IgY in the dog’s body was 3.08 to 8.51 days. Clearance time of IgY was0.15 to 0.50 mL / h. In conclusion the kinetics of anti CPV IgY in dog’s body follow one compartment andfirst order model, which are only distributed in the blood with the half-life at 2.5 days, and IgY has lesspossibility to accumulate in the body compared to the IgG.
Kinetic study on Anti conine parvovirus (CPV) immunoglobulin yolk (IgY) has been performed on six dogs aged 5-10 months
Kinetic study on Anti CPV IgY has been performed on six dogs aged 5-10 months
IgY levels in the blood were determined by enzym linied immunosorbent assay (ELISA)
Terapi dan pencegahan penyakit menggunakan antibodi dari kuning telur ayam atau immunoglobulin yolk (IgY) terbukti efektif pada manusia dan hewan (Carlender, 2002). Informasi kinetika IgY sangat diperlukan untuk memastikan dosis dan interval pemberian ketika digunakan untuk terapi. Informasi kinetika suatu antibodi dapat digunakan sebagai acuan terapi antibodi (Tabrizi et al, 2010). Data kinetika antibodi bermanfaat untuk menentukan rute, interval dan dosis terapi, memperkirakan kadarnya dalam plasma, jaringan, urin dan kemungkinan akumulasi antibodi dalam tubuh (Shargel, 2004 ). Mortalitas anak anjing dapat mencapai 91 % pada infeksi CPV yang tidak diterapi (Prittie et al 2004). Terapi yang efek-tif untuk infeksi CPV belum ditemukan hingga saat ini. Imunoterapi menggunakan IgY anti-CPV nampaknya dapat dicoba sebagai alternatif baru untuk menekan angka kematian anjing akibat infeksi virus parvo. Penelitian ini bertu-juan untuk mengetahui kinetika IgY anti-CPV dalam tubuh anjing.
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