
Extensive kinetic measurements have been made on the system, NO + NO2 N2O3(1, –1), Equilibrium mixtures of nitrogen oxides containing an excess of NO at 208 ± 5 K were perturbed by flash photolysis and the rate of relaxation back to equilibrium was monitored by observing the transmittance of a line from a CO c.w. laser selected to coincide with the ν1 band of N2O3. Measurements were made through the following pressure ranges (in Torr) of third-body gases: He (190–6970), Ne (248–6970), Ar (190–500), N2(166–401) and CF4(132–441). The results have been fitted to fall-off curves constructed according to methods developed by Troe yielding the following high- and low-pressure limiting rate constants: (k1∞/10–12 cm3 molecule–1 s–1)= 3.4 ± 1; (k1,M°/10–33 cm3 molecule–1 s–1)= 4.2–0.2+0.3(M = He), 5.0–0.3+0.45(Ne), 6.7–0.5+0.6(Ar), 9.1–0.6+0.8(N2) and 13.1–0.9+1.1(CF4). Despite the weakness of the N—N bond, it appears that the kinetics are well represented by the rate theories formulated on the basis of rapid and complete randomisation of internal energy. This finding is discussed in the light of information (a) provided by high-resolution spectra of the ν1, 2ν1, 3ν1 and 4ν1 bands of N2O3 and (b) from measurements on the vibrational relaxation of NO(v= 1) by NO2.

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