
The equilibrium and kinetic parameters of cis-trans interconversion of dipeptides containing peptidyl-proline moiety were investigated using the in-column incubation method with both CZE and HPLC and the ad hoc dissolution method. The use of the latter was possible because the conformational make-up of the solid peptides, and consequently of their ad hoc solution, was sufficiently different from that of the solution at equilibrium. This method with 1H-NMR and CZE analyzes yielded very similar results for the cis-trans isomerization of Phe-Pro in aqueous sodium borate, pH 8.4 at 10°C with an average value of 0.34 and 6.6·10 −5 s −1 for the equilibrium and rate constant, respectively. The in-column incubation method is performed by CZE or HPLC so that the conformers are separated in the first half of the column and then incubated in column where they interconvert and reach equilibrium. Subsequent separation in the second half of the column yielded four peaks. Thus by measuring the conformer composition as a function of the reaction time, the rate constant can be evaluated. The forward rate constant of 1.42·10 −4 s −1 determined by the CZE in-column incubation method for Phe-Pro isomerization at 10°C was twice of the value obtained by the ad hoc dissolution method. It is believed that the inner wall of fused-silica capillaries has a catalytic effect on the isomerization. Computer simulation was also employed to gain further insight on the catalytic activity of the capillary inner wall on such isomerization. Whereas the experimental and simulation profiles of Phe-Pro in aqueous borate buffer, pH 8.4, with a 37 cm long capillary were in excellent agreement, a four times faster interconversion rate had to be used to match the experimental profile obtained with a 57 cm long capillary under otherwise identical conditions. The catalytic effect of the octadecyl silica stationary phase on the isomerization was confirmed by the in-column incubation method with HPLC. The overall rate of the cis-trans isomerization of Phe-Pro, which entails the reaction both on the stationary phase and in the mobility phase, was about six times faster at 0°C than the rate measured by NMR in free solution using the mobile phase containing 65% (v/v) sodium phosphate, pH 6.5, and 35% (v/v) methanol. The results presented here serve as a caveat that the effect of the wall in CZE or the stationary phase in HPLC on the reaction cannot be ignored.

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