
This paper reports development and implementation of superior fermentation strategies for β-galactosidase production by Lactobacillus acidophilus in a stirred-tank bioreactor. Process parameters (aeration and agitation) were optimized for the process by application of Central Composite Design. Aeration rate of 0.5vvm and agitation speed of 250rpm were most suitable for β-galactosidase production (2001.2U/L). Further improvement of the operation in pH controlled environment resulted in 2135U/L of β-galactosidase with productivity of 142.39U/Lh. Kinetic modeling for biomass and enzyme production and substrate utilization were carried out at the aforementioned pH controlled conditions. The logistic regression model (X0=0.01g/L; Xmax=2.948g/L; μmax=0.59/h; R2=0.97) was used for mathematical interpretation of biomass production. Mercier's model proved to be better than Luedeking–Piret model in describing β-galactosidase production (P0=0.7942U/L; Pmax=2169.3U/L; Pr=0.696/h; R2=0.99) whereas the latter was more efficient in mathematical illustration of lactose utilization (m=0.187g/gh; Yx/s=0.301g/L; R2=0.98) among the two used in this study. Strategies like fed-batch fermentation (3694.6U/L) and semi-continuous fermentation (5551.9U/L) further enhanced β-galactosidase production by 1.8 and 2.8 fold respectively.

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