
Walter Benjamin's essay on cinema expounds his prognostic values. By the time he wrote this article his critique of the capitalistic mode of production showed the direction in which capitalism was progressing: towards an increasing intensity in exploitation of the proletariat, but also its own decline. We are interested in these prognoses that affirm the transformation of art and its function, and which call our attention to the loss of transcendence and the decline of the aura of the work of art. At the same time, they show possibilities that affirm the continuity of art with a different role and the dislocation of the aura. The form of art that is suitable to this reflection is cinema and the parallel drawn by the philosopher between cinema and architecture. Our intention is to reflect on this parallel and the urban interventions as artistic forms of aesthetic modernity: that is, as products of this modernity that at the same time indicate the way the world is given to us and understood by us. We will also reflection cinema and theatre indications as a way to surpass corporal determinations that are imposed on us.

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