
This paper presents a method of recording and analyzing the nonlinear behavior of a vibrating weapon system, especially the barrel with the help of high-speed camera and specialized software. High-speed cameras use high-speed digital video files to extract motion and measure moving objects, gaining a qualitative and quantitative perspective of the experiment. The technique used allows us to visualize and analyze the movement, especially the movement that is too fast for the human eye or which is not perceived by ordinary cameras. The user can make measurements of synchronicity, positioning, distance, speed, angle, and angular velocity, and can track multiple points or objects to calculate and find the two-dimensional coordinates, speed or acceleration. Variation of the kinematic parameters of the weapon is determined by delimiting the regions of interest with markers and analyzing them with Photron Motion Tools. In semi-automatic and automatic firings, as a result of the remaining vibration, recoil and torque, the displacement of the barrel increases, the shooter having no control over the line of sight and the accuracy of the shooting decreases depending on their experience.

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