
In Ukrainian linguistics, over the past decades, the interest of linguists in the onymnical vocabulary in general and in urban areas has grown as an integral part of the Ukrainian space. The urban space of Kherson was left out of the attention of linguists, which determines the relevance of the study. The aim of the article is to characterize derivational structure of Kherson`s godonyms. The analysis includes about 50 notions. The author subdivides godonyms into two types: one-component / mnemonic (71%) and multi-component / multimodal (29%). The material of the research shows that the system of one-word Kherson`s hodonyms forms singular and plural nouns in the genitive case and adjectives (relative and qualitative), formed from both simple and complex basics with the help of such suffixes as -sk, -n, -ov. The author underlines that structures which connected with notions exists as singular forms in the genitive case are predominate between nouns. There are for the most part godonyms –representatives of personalities. But the structures which connected with notions exists as plural forms in the genitive case presented by nouns which denotes people by profession and occupation in the sphere of city`s godonyms. The researcher emphasizes that the structure of one-word adjectives-godonyms is predominantly monobasic, most of them are relative adjectives, qualitative adjectives function as godonyms much less often. The author claims that multi-component godonyms are formed on several models: 1) model «number + word (-s)»; 2) model «name + surname»; 3) model subordinate phrase (substantively-adjective andsubstantively-substantive). According to the researcher, the using of the same name in combination with excellent nomenclature names are frequent. Prospects for scientific researches the author of the article sees in the systematic study of the modern Kherson`s urban system to create a holistic linguistic picture of the urban sphere of the regional center.

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