
Chevron Australia Pty Ltd (CAPL) has operated an oil and gas production facility on Thevenard Island (TVI), a gazetted Nature Reserve, since 1988 on behalf of the TVI Joint Venture. CAPL is currently decommissioning the asset following cessation of production in 2014. Decommissioning activities include plugging and abandonment of onshore and offshore production wells, decommissioning onshore infrastructure and facilities, decommissioning offshore platforms and pipelines, and remediating and rehabilitating the terrestrial environment. CAPL is currently undertaking decommissioning and retirement of its facilities on TVI, including remediation and rehabilitation activities. CAPL is committed to progressing the decommissioning and rehabilitation activities in a timely manner to deliver positive outcomes for environment, local community and other users of TVI. Delivering on historical commitments and applying best practice to ensure the lease area can be relinquished as a functioning and sustainable ecosystem is key to being a responsible operator and maintaining social licence to operate. This paper will provide an overview of decommissioning activities and progress to date, with a focus on onshore operations, and discuss challenges encountered as well as lessons learnt from decommissioning planning and sequencing, implementation of the regulatory framework and in-field execution.

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