
The stable economic conditions are fundamental for the sustainable development of transport. For this reason the contribution of transport, respectively road transport, to GDP per year and to the gross value added (GVA) are the main indicators for assessment of economic sustainability of road transport presented in the paper. Along with the indices such as share of transport in GDP, the consumers’ expenditure on transport, the volume of freight and passenger transport by modes, share of road transport, traffic volumes and transport infrastructure capacity, the analysis provides a base for the assessment of the economic sustainability of road transport in Bulgaria. Comparisons with the relative indicators in the EU-27 are made in order to clarify the Bulgarian position on the European market. Furthermore, the level of infrastructure provision is evaluated through the analysis of investments on new infrastructures. Thus the long term sustainability of road transport is assessed too and some opportunities for the future development based on an economic sustainability are outlined. As a result of the analysis the opportunities for improving transport services and for decrease in road transport costs in Bulgaria have been revealed.

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