
New societal expectations idealised that mosque should also accommodate the needs of all communities, including men, women, children, youth, elderly, people with disabilities, the poor and destitute, non-Muslims and others. This idea was inspired by the Prophet Mosque in Medina during the time of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). The purpose of this paper is to synthesize key findings on contemporary community needs, and to produce a comprehensive integrated view of the three resulted themes: “safety needs”, “social needs” and “spiritual intelligent needs”. Literature review search through Web of Science and Google Scholar from 2017 to 2022 was conducted using the terms “community needs”, “contemporary community needs”, “Muslim community needs”, and “contemporary Muslim community needs”. By applying the “Systematic Literature Review Synthesis Process”, authors conducted cross-analysis, integrate possibilities, and prioritized the synthesized information gearing towards highly probable solutions for improving mosque facilities for meeting the contemporary needs of its community members. Development of a framework for contemporary community-centric mosque facilities and its implication on existing mosque facilities framework are also discussed. The findings highlight the need for a comprehensive socio-physical and spiritual intelligent needs dimensions for contemporary mosque facilities. This paper contributes in acknowledging community needs element in future mosque facilities

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