
Code-switching can take different forms, such as intra-sentential (within the same sentence), inter-sentential (between different sentences) or extra-sentential (across sentences) switches. Delivering the intended meaning requires adherence to grammatical and linguistic standards. In this instance, the issue or outcome of misinterpreting a joke will lead to a failed attempt at humour. Therefore, this study is conducted to categorise the many forms of code-switching that are employed in sentences using Poplack's theory (1980). This study employed a basic interpretive qualitative methodology in three performances by Harith Iskander. The findings demonstrate that Harith Iskander regularly used both intra- and inter-sentential code-switching when telling his jokes. However, extra-sentential code-switching or tag switching was rarely used in his performances. To conclude, three categories of code-switching proposed by Poplack were found in Harith Iskander’s performances. For the recommendation, future researchers may employ primary data for in-depth analysis opportunities and to authentically determine the accurate frequency of code switching used in stand-up comedy performances.

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