Abstrak : Keterlibatan Keluarga Dalam Tata Kelola Dan Organisasi Perusahan Pada Konteks Entrepreneurial Orientation. Perusahaan keluarga sebagai kontributor terbesar dalam pertumbuhan ekonomi, seringkali memiliki performa yang inkonsisten. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui bagaimana dimensi entrepreneurial orientation dapat memberi pengaruh terhadap family firm performance. Penelitian ini menggunakan tiga dimensi entrepreneurial orientation terdiri dari innovativeness, proactiveness dan risk taking. Keterlibatan keluarga dalam pengelolaan perusahaan keluarga digunakan sebagai moderasi apakah memiliki dampak pada family firm performance. Sampel dari penelitian ialah komunitas perusahaan keluarga yang dibentuk dari universitas di Surabaya. Penelitian menggunakan alat analisis PLS. Hasil penelitian memperlihatkan bahwa proactiveness berpengaruh signifikan terhadap family firm performance sedangkan innovativeness dan risk taking tidak berpengaruh. Hasil moderasi menunjukkan keterlibatan keluarga tidak memoderasi dimensi entrepreneurial orientation terhadap family firm performance. Temuan ini memberikan gambaran bagi perusahaan keluarga yang masih skala menengah dan kecil serta belum terbuka dengan melibatkan anggota keluarga dalam tata kelola organisasi belum memiliki dampak pada kinerja perusahaan. Keterlibatan anggota keluarga hanya bersifat administratif bagi pemillik perusahaan. Abstract: Family Involvement In Governance And Company Organizations In The Context Of Entrepreneurial Orientation. Family companies, as the biggest contributors to economic growth, often have an inconsistent performance. This study aims to determine how the dimensions of entrepreneurial orientation can have an influence on family firm performance. This study uses three dimensions of entrepreneurial orientation consisting of innovativeness, proactiveness and risk taking. Family involvement in the management of family companies is used as moderation whether it has an impact on family firm performance. The sample of this research is a family company community formed from a university in Surabaya. The research used PLS analysis tool. The results showed that proactiveness had a significant effect on family firm performance, while innovativeness and risk taking had no effect. The result of moderation shows that family involvement does not moderate the dimensions of entrepreneurial orientation towards family firm performance. These findings provide an overview for family companies that are still medium and small in scale and have not been open to involving family members in organizational governance yet have an impact on company performance. The involvement of family members is only administrative in nature for company owners
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