
The purpose of this research is to 1) know the teacher’s skills in opening lessons in Islamic religious education subjects class vii in the Islamic Village junior high school Tangerang district. 2) knowing students’ learning interest in Islamic religious education subjects class vii in the Islamic Village junior high school Tangerang district. 3) determine the effect of teacher skills in opening lessons on students learning interest in the Islamic Village junior high school Tangerang district. This study uses a quantitative approach to measure the influence of teacher skills in opening lessons (Variable X) on students’ learning interest in the Islamic Village junior high school Tangerang district. The subject of this research were students of class VII Islamic Village junior high scholl Tangerang district, totaling 50 students. Sources of data come from teachers and students. Data collection techniques by questionnaries, and documentation. The validity of the data using the product moment correlation assisted by SPSS 21 application, the reliability of the data was carried out using cornbach alpha assisted by SPSS 21 application. The data analysis used descriptive analysis techniques.The results showed that there was a siginificant influence between the teacher’s skills opening lessons on students learning interest in Islamic religious education subjects in the Islamic Village junior high school Tangerang district. The was evidenced by the t-count value of 2,744 with a constant (a) value of 21,526 and a regression coefficient value of 0,425. The influence of teacher skills in opening a lesson on students learning interest in Islamic religious education subjects was 13,6 % which can be seen from the value of R Square = 0.136 which states that there are 86,4% of other factors that can affect students learning interest.

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