
ABSTRACT: This research is based on public information disclosure which is an individual right and is realized through the availability of information. The availability of such information should be open and transparent. The purpoce of this research is to khow the extent of the Central Java Provincial Government regional institution suitability which have been provided information services based on PerKI No. 1 (2010), through the sites during 2017. The qualitative approaches that used in this research are descriptive analysis techniques anf interative analysis of miles and Huberman. The subjects of this research were public information services at 32 Central Jawa Provincial OPD through the sites during 2017. On an whole view, The Central Java Provincial Government organizations have not fully complied the standards of procedures PerKI No. 1 (2010), in providing information services based on Perki No. 1 (2010) thru the sites during 2017. The result is show through data numeration based Daftar Informasi Publik (DIP) score anf available information on it’s site such as; organizational structure of PPID, PPID duties and DIP.Keywords: Information services, information category, site. ABSTRAK: Kesesuaian layanan informasi publik yang dilakukan perangkat daerah dengan Peraturan Komisi Informasi (PerKI) No. 1 Tahun 2010 menjadi kebutuhan badan publik dan masyarakat. Penelitian ini bermaksud mengadakan evaluasi perihal kesesuaian layanan informasi publik perangkat daerah di situs masing-masing sepanjang tahun 2017 dengan PerKI 1-2010. Penelitian kualitatif ini dilakujkan terhadap 32 situs perangkat daerah Pemerintah Provinsi Jawa Tengah. Layanan informasi publik melalui situs merupakan bagian dari komunikasi organisasi masing-masing. Namun sebagian besar perangkat daerah Pemprov Jawa Tengah belum sepenuhnya mematuhi standar/prosedur layanan informasi sesuai dengan PerKI No. 1 Tahun 2010. Hal tersebut dilihat melalui analisa atas ketersediaan Daftar Informasi Publik (DIP) dan ketersediaan informasi di masing-masing kategori informasi publik.Kata Kunci: layanan informasi publik, kategori informasi, situs

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