
Industri kreatif adalah salah satu sektor ekonomi yang paling menjanjikan potensi tinggi untuk menyumbang kepada sektor ekonomi negara. Namun Covid-19 yang melanda seluruh dunia telah merencatkan eko-sistem dan pembangunan industri kreatif termasuk Malaysia. Sebahagian industri ditutup dan terjejas kerana perkenalan Perintah Kawalan Pergerakan (PKP). Kajian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji kesan Covid-19 terhadap industri kreatif di Malaysia. Kajian kualitatif melalui perbincangan kumpulan fokus di Lembah Klang melibatkan 12 peserta juga merupakan pemain industri kreatif dilakukan pada bulan Februari 2023. Hasil kajian mendapati pandemik Covid-19 telah memberi kesan besar kepada kepada industri kreatif kerana ramai hilang pekerjaan dan pendapatan. Dapatan kajian menunjukkan bahawa keterukan impak Covid-19 terhadap industri kreatif di Malaysia berbeza mengikut sifat dan saiz perniagaan. Antara kesan ialah gangguan dalam operasi perniagaan, pengurangan penawaran dan permintaan produk, pengeluaran yang rendah, ketidakstabilan kewangan, dan peralihan kepadasaluran pengedaran digital. Secara keseluruhan kajian ini mendapati industri kreatif tetap mempunyai masa depan yang cerah untuk dipulihkan. Walaupun industri kreatif dilanda kemurungan dan kemelestan akibat Covid-19, namun beberapa inovasi melalui media digital, banyak PKS dan peniagaan berkaitannya masih mampu diteruska. Bantuan dan pakej ransangan kerajaan memainkan peranan penting dalam memudahkan industri kreatif untuk mengekalkan perniagaan mereka dalam industri. ABSTRACT Creative industries are one of the most promising sectors of the economy with a high potential to contribute to the country's economic sector. But the Covid-19 that has hit the world has hampered eco-systems and the development of creative industries including Malaysia. Part of the industry was closed and affected due to the introduction of the Movement Control Order (MCO). This study examines the impact of Covid-19 on creative industries in Malaysia. A qualitative method through a focus group discussion in the Klang Valley involving 12 participants was also a creative industry player conducted in February 2023. The findings found that the Covid-19 pandemic had a major impact on the creative industries as many lost their jobs and incomes. The findings show that the severity of the impact of Covid-19 on creative industries in Malaysia varies according to the nature and size of the business. Among the effects are disruptions in business operations, reduced supply and demand for products, low production, financial instability, and the transition to digital distribution channels. Overall this study found that the creative industries still have a bright future to restore. Although the creative industries have been hit by depression and turmoil due to Covid-19, with some innovations through digital media, many SMEs and related businesses are still able to continue. Government assistance and stimulus packages play an important role in making it easier for creative industries to sustain their businesses in the industry. Keywords: Creative Industry, COVID-19, Challenges, Potential

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