Religious education encompasses two dimensions of human life, namely the cultivation of piety towards God and the development of sense of humanity towards others, or ritual and social piety. But in reality, these two things in education are less integrated so that they become dichotomy and even gap between ritual and social piety. This study is quantitative which aims at measuring and analyzing ritual and social piety of high school Muslim students in the ex-Surakarta Residency based on their gender. The assumption built in this study is that Islamic Education in schools is able to give birth to ritual and social piety of their students. There are two research questions: first, what is the category of ritual and social piety of high school Muslim students at the ex-Surakarta Residency?. Second, what is the difference between ritual and social piety of high school Muslim students at the ex-Surakarta Residency based on their gender?. The null hypothesis (H0) built in this study is: there is no difference between ritual and social piety of male and female Muslim students. By using descriptive analysis and ANOVA test, this study found two things; first, ritual and social piety of high school Muslim students in the ex-Surakarta Residency are good. Second, there is no difference between ritual and social piety in male high school Muslim students. There is difference in ritual and social piety of female students and also difference in ritual and social piety of male and female high school Muslim students in the exSurakarta Residency.
Religious education encompasses two dimensions of human life, namely the cultivation of piety towards God and the development of sense of humanity towards others, or ritual and social piety
Dari tabel 12 di atas terbukti bahwa dilihat secara rata-rata siswa laki-laki tidak memiliki perbedaan yang mencolok antara kesalehan ritual dan sosialnya yaitu 3,01278 untuk kesalehan sosialnya dan 3,04743 untuk kesalehan ritualnya
Metodologi Penelitian: Lengkap, Praktis, dan Mudah Dipahami
Kajian tentang uji perbedaan antara lakilaki dan perempuan ada beberapa, di antaranya adalah penelitian Satrio Nugroho dan Dwiyanti (Nugroho, 2016) yang mengkaji perbedaan kecerdasan emosi antara perawat laki-laki dan perempuan di Rumah Sakit Wijayakusuma Purwokerto. Perbedaannya adalah variabel penelitian yang diukur yaitu variabel kesalehan sosial dan kecerdasan ritual siswa muslim SMA dilihat dari jenis kelamin. Dari kelima dimensi kesalehan ritual yang hendak diukur pada siswa SMA adalah ahlak terhadap kepada Allah dan rasulnya, dan kepada diri sendiri. Peneliti mengkategorikan ahlak kepada Allah, rasul dan kepada diri sendiri dalam kategori kesalehan ritual, dikarenakan aspek tersebut terkait dengan perbuatan individu kepada Tuhannya dan kepada diri pribadi, yang tidak melibatkan komponen sosial seperti antara manusia dan lingkungannya. Guru , orang tua dan lingkungan dikategorikan pada kesalehan sosial, karena ahlak tersebut melibatkan komponen manusia lain dan alam sekitar. Hipotesis nihil (H0) dalam penelitian ini adalah: H0: tidak ada perbedaan antara kesalehan ritual dan kesalehan sosial siswa muslim SMA di Eks Karesidenan Surakarta. H0: tidak ada perbedaan antara kesalehan sosial laki-laki dan dan kesalehan sosial siswa perempuan
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