
The natural population of Taxus sumatrana in several areas in southern Asia, including Indonesia, has decreased in number. In Sumatra, populations of less than 20 trees/ha were found in the Gunung Kerinci and Gunung Tujuh areas, in Kerinci District, Jambi. Conservation efforts to protect this species from extinction are being carried out, for example, exploring seeds from natural populations for ex-situ plantations. The genetic diversity information of Taxus is required to develop conservation strategies for this species. This research aimed to observethe genetic diversity of Taxus from Gunung Tujuh and Gunung Kerinci populations in Jambi. The level of genetic diversity of 44 individuals from those populations was analyzed using ten markers of RAPD. The application of thosemarkers produced 104 loci used in data analysis using the GenAlex version 6.5 software. The result showed the heterozygosity value described the moderate level of genetic diversity of the two observed populations of 0,33±0.14 (Gunung Tujuh) and 0,35±0.14 (Gunung Kerinci). The genetic distance between the two populations (0,097) and genetic similarity (0,908) indicate that the two populations have a moderate variation in genetic structure. This study shows that the two populations have variations in geneticstructure at medium level although geographically close. Genetic conservation efforts for Taxus species in the future should involve more individuals from both populations and separate them as two different populations

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