
Organizational commitment is attitude from employees to remain members of an organization and work hard for goals and sustainability of organization. Purpose of this study is to determine effect of job stress on organizational commitment and job satisfaction, effect of job satisfaction on organizational commitment, and role of job satisfaction in mediating effect of work stress on organizational commitment. Study is conducted at The Grand Santhi Hospital with 50 samples, using saturated sampling. Data are analyzed using path analysis. Results showed that job stress has negative and significant effect on organizational commitment, job stress has negative and significant effect on job satisfaction, job satisfaction has positive and significant effect on organizational commitment, and job satisfaction able to mediate job stress on organizational commitment. Company needs to pay attention to workload and work capacity and evaluate the salary given to employees to match the workload so as to increase organizational commitment.
 Keywords: Organizational Commitment, Job Stress, Job Satisfaction.


  • Organizational commitment is attitude from employees to remain members of an organization and work hard for goals and sustainability of organization

  • Study is conducted at The Grand Santhi Hospital with 50 samples

  • Results showed that job stress has negative

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Organizational commitment is attitude from employees to remain members of an organization and work hard for goals and sustainability of organization. Data kuantitatif dalam penelitian ini adalah jumlah karyawan pada The Grand Santhi Hotel serta skor jawaban responden terhadap hasil kuesioner yang telah dikuantitatifkan. Distribusi tjawaban tresponden tterhadap tkomitmen torganisasional tnilai trata-rata tertinggi tsebesar t3,94 tpada tdua tpernyataan t“Saya merasa bekerja pada perusahaan ini merupakan kesempatan yang terbaik dan Saya berkeinginan untuk menghabiskan sisa karir pada perusahaan”.

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