
The statistics of physics education are compulsory course with a lot of material descriptions so the lectures must be assisted by the use of teaching materials. The lectures of statistics of physics education that took place in the July-December 2017 semester illustrates that: 1) teaching materials are less attractive to students, 2) the assignments given are quite clear and sufficient in accordance with the level of thinking of students, 3) materials delivered by the lecturer is in accordance with the targets in the syllabus with some material is still abstract, 4) the lecture have been pursued in accordance with the syllabus but the methods used have not varied and 5) students learn material of statistic of physics education only from the lecturer explanation so that only a few students can answer statistical problems quickly and correctly. This indicates that it is need provided teaching materials with a cooperative problem solving model. The author has tried to design teaching materials of statistic of physics education with cooperative problem solving models with very valid criteria according to the assessment of six experts with educational qualifications of statistics and physics education. However, this teaching material has not been tested at normal conditions in the lectures so that the level of practicality has not been revealed. The aim of this study was to determine the practicality level of educational statistical teaching materials containing cooperative problem solving models according to users, namely lecturers and students who listed in the course. Type of research is research and devel-opment with the ADDIE model. The ADDIE model stands for Analyze, Design, Develop, Implement and Evaluation. This research is part of the Implementation stage where development products are implemented in real terms so that the level of practicality can be measured with indicators of ease of use, attractiveness and efficiency. Data collection used student response questionnaires and lecturer response questionnaires with a Likert scale. Data analysis used descriptive statistic analysis techniques. The results showed that teaching materials of physics education statistics had very practical criteria (lecturers opinion) and practical (students opinion). The conclusion of this study is the teaching materials of statistic of physics education with cooperative problem solving model has been practically used in lectures


  • Statistika Pendidikan Fisika merupakan matakuliah wajib yang harus diikuti oleh mahasiswa program studi pendidikan fisika Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam (FMIPA) pada semester pertama

  • The lectures of statistics of physics education that took place in the July-December 2017 semester illustrates that: 1) teaching materials are less attractive to students, 2) the assignments given are quite clear and sufficient in accordance with the level of thinking of students, 3) materials delivered by the lecturer is in accordance with the targets in the syllabus with some material is still abstract, 4) the lecture have been pursued in accordance with the syllabus but the methods used have not varied and 5) students learn material of statistic of physics education only from the lecturer explanation so that only a few students can answer statistical problems quickly and correctly

  • The author has tried to design teaching materials of statistic of physics education with cooperative problem solving models with very valid criteria according to the assessment of six experts with educational qualifications of statistics and physics education

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Mahasiswa mempelajari karateristik materi Statistika Pendidi mahasiswa kan Fisika hanya dari penjelasan dosen sehing ga hanya sebagian mahasiswa dapat menjawab persoalan statistik dengan cepat dan benar. Bagian dari Template Bahan Ajar Bahan kajian pada Gambar 1 menerapkan sebuah model pembelajaran yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan civitas akademika pendidikan fisika yang terungkap dari hasil analisis terhadap pelaksanaan perkuliahan. Langkah-langkah yang digunakan dalam mengembangkan bahan ajar adalah dengan mengadopsi lima langkah model cooperative problem solvingdalam framework fisika yang dikembangkan oleh Heller (2010, 184). Fauzan (2002) mengungkapkan bahwa dalam menguji kepraktisan sebuah bahan ajar harus mempertimbangkan apakah produk menarik dan dapat digunakan. Hal ini sejalan dengan pendapat Ahmad Fauzan (2002) dan Jan (2013:66) mengemukakan bahwa "praktikalitas berguna untuk melihat sejauh mana pemanfaatan produk oleh pengguna Kegiatan penelitian yang bertujuan menentukan tingkat kepraktisan bahan ajar statistika pendidikan bermuatan model cooperative problem solving menurut pengguna yaitu dosen pengampu dan mahasiswa yang sedang mengikuti perkuliahan. Adapun tingkat kepraktisan mengacu pada kriteria berikut ini. 1) tidak praktis (0% - 20%), 2) kurang praktis (21% - 40%), 3)cukup praktis (41%-60%), 4) praktis (61% - 80%), dan 5) sangat praktis (81% - 100%) (dimodifikasi dari Riduwan, 2009:89)

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