Scientific reasoning ability is important to have for students to understand the concept of physics and have a good mathematical reasoning ability. The scientific reasoning ability itself is the ability of a person to use his or her reasoning in resolving a problem by coming up with facts or tangible evidence, so that the conclusion can be drawn. The research was conducted with a view to analyzing the scientific reasoning ability of high school students in Banyuwangi city on temperature and heat material. The study used a research instrument in the form of a multiple-choice scientific reasoning ability test based on LCTSR. This type of research is descriptive research. The results of this research include the percentage of test result scientific reasoning ability of students in Banyuwangi city in the proportional reasoning is 60.51%, in variable control of 58.17%, at a probability reasoning of 49.87%, on The hypothetical-deductive reasoning is 47.4%, on the reasoning correlation of 20.53%, and the reasoning on conservation is 37.22%. The largest percentage is proportional reasoning, while the smallest is a correlation reasoning. Then it can be said that high school students in Banyuwangi City have the best scientific reasoning ability on the proportional reasoning pattern and the ability of scientific reasoning which is lacking in the pattern of reasoning the correlation.
PENDAHULUAN Siswa sering mengalami kesulitan untuk menguasai mata pelajaran fisika, padahal ilmu fisika memiliki keterkaitan dengan kehidupan dan tentunya ilmu sains itu sendiri
important to have for students to understand the concept of physics
The scientific reasoning ability itself is the ability of a person to use his
Selanjutnya hasil tes kemampuan penalaran ilmiah siswa dicari nilai persentase berdasarkan 6 pola penalaran ilmiah. HASIL DAN PEMBAHASAN Penelitian ini dilaksanakan dengan maksud untuk menganalisis kemampuan penalaran ilmiah siswa SMA di Banyuwangi Kota pada materi suhu dan kalor. Keseluruhan responden dalam penelitian ini berasal dari SMA di Banyuwangi Kota, yakni sebanyak 91 siswa. Penelitian dilakukan dengan memberikan tes kemampuan penalaran ilmiah siswa dalam bentuk pilihan ganda sebanyak 24 soal yang terdiri dari 12 soal bertingkat. Soal tes kemampuan penalaran ilmiah telah disusun sesuai dengan 6 pola penalaran ilmiah, antara lain: penalaran korelasi, penalaran proporsional, penalaran probabilitas, penalaran konservasi, pengontrolan variabel, dan penalaran hipotesis-deduktif. Persentase hasil tes kemampuan penalaran ilmiah siswa SMA di Banyuwangi Kota dapat dilihat pada Tabel 2
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