The purpose of this study is to describe the ability to write story texts for students of the Indonesian Language Education Undergraduate Program FKIP Bengkulu University. The scope of this research covers aspects of (1) the suitability of the theme with the content, (2) the structure of the story text, (3) the choice of words (diction), (4) the use of story-style sentences, and (5) the Indonesian Language spelling and handwriting. This research uses descriptive method and quantitative approach. The research population was all students of the Indonesian Language Education Study Program FKIP Bengkulu University in the odd semester of 2018/2019 and the sample was purposive sampling, determining that there were 34 students in semester III-A. Collecting data uses test techniques and instruments in the form of instructions for writing stories with the theme of "love" and guidelines for assessing the ability to write stories based on five components, including content, text structure, diction, sentences, and mechanics. Data analysis used descriptive statistics to find the mean and determined qualitative results. The results showed that the ability to write story texts for the students of the Indonesian Language Education Undergraduate Program, FKIP Bengkulu University, was categorized as good. This is based on the score of all components with an average of 73.97. These results still require efforts to improve to be better. The results of each aspect of the ability to write story texts, namely aspects (1) the suitability of the theme with the content, good category (18.94), (2) story structure, good category (16.09), (3) accuracy of diction in good category (score 14 ,3), (4) narrative language style sentences are in good category (17.24), and (5) mechanics (BI spelling and handwriting) are in good category (7.32).
Components, including content, text structure, diction, sentences, and mechanics
The purpose of this study is to describe the ability to write story texts for students of the Indonesian Language Education Undergraduate Program FKIP Bengkulu University
The results showed that the ability to write story texts for the students of the Indonesian Language Education Undergraduate Program, FKIP Bengkulu University, was categorized as good
Kemampuan menulis merupakan kecakapan seseorang dalam merangkai bahasa dan keruntutan pikiran melalui tulisan. Menulis merupakan suatu hasil usaha seseorang dalam proses menuangkan buah pikiran ke dalam bahasa tulis melalui kalimat-kalimat yang dirangkai secara lengkap dan jelas sehingga dapat dikomunikasikan kepada pembaca secara berhasil. Byrne (dalam Yulistio, 2012:25) menyatakan bahwa keterampilan menulis adalah suatu hasil usaha seseorang dalam mewujudkan dan kolektivitas pengetahuan kebahasaan dan pengolahan gagasan melalui pikiran yang direfleksikan melalui wujud tulisan sehingga dapat dikomunikasikan kepada pembaca secara berhasil. Kemampuan menulis adalah kecakapan seseorang (guru) dalam menuangkan ide-ide, gagasan melalui pikiran yang tersusun logis dengan memanfaatkan kalimat-kalimat yang terangkai secara baik dan dituangkan menggunakan bahasa tulis. Satuan bahasa dengan kandungan makna, pikiran, dan gagasan yang lengkap tidak lain adalah teks maka pembelajaran bahasa Indonesia sudah selayaknya menerapkan pendekatan teks dengan capaian proses dan hasil pada penguasaan penggunaan bahasa tulis, yakni menulis teks dengan berbagai ragam jenisnya
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