
The position of the peace deed in the settlement of restoratif justice cases in criminal cases is a formal requirement for the acceptance of a peace. The strength of this peace deed is that a case can be carried out by SP3 because there is not enough evidence. This is because this peace deed has consequences for the revocation of witness statements and results in reduced evidence, namely the testimony of victim witnesses. Meanwhile, regarding practice in the realm of criminal case trials, the existence of a peace deed, the judge can decide that the unlawful nature of the case being litigated has been eliminated with the consideration that with the existence of peace, the social inequalities resulting from the crime have been recovered. The legal rule of this decision is that the reconciliation stated in the deed of reconciliation between the perpetrator and the victim can be used as the basis for the abolition of the sentence, which turns out to be followed by another court decision so that it is qualified as jurisprudence.

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