
This research aims to determine the extent of the impact of the development of Sumber Ubalan Tourism in Kediri on the local community's economy. The research methodology employed is a qualitative study with a descriptive approach. Data collection techniques used in this study include interviews and field observations. The data analysis technique used is the Miles and Huberman model, where data is continuously collected until it meets the research requirements. The findings of this study indicate that the development of Sumber Ubalan Tourism in Kediri has a positive impact on the local economy. Through the establishment of infrastructure, the establishment of tourism management organizations, and the development of facilities in the tourism area, Sumber Ubalan Tourism in Kediri has successfully attracted local and non-local tourists. This provides opportunities for the local community to generate additional income through culinary businesses and food stalls opened around the tourism site. The additional income helps improve the community's well-being and reduces dependency on the agricultural sector. Furthermore, tourism development creates new job opportunities and absorbs labor from the surrounding community. Tourism management also involves the community in maintaining cleanliness and the surrounding environment, thus positively impacting public health. The government's efforts to develop and promote the tourism potential of Sumber Ubalan as part of the local culture also contribute to enhancing the attraction for tourists.

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