
<p><em>The achievement of Indonesian’s women empowerment through Gender Empowerment Measure (GEM) shows an increase in the last eight years. On the other hand, the increasing trend is also seen in the percentage of violence against women. Ideally, the increase in GDI is followed by a decrease in acts of violence. A study of the 2017 Indonesian Demographic and Health Survey’s data and also on the Annual Note of The Women's National Commission in 2018 is conduct to illustrate the conditions of women's empowerment, violence against women, and divorce as a result of violence. This study used a qualitative approach with descriptive and comparative analysis. The results indicate that the two indicators of women's empowerment, that is women's participation in household decision making and women's control of her income were related to disagreement towards domestic violence. In general, the higher the participation and control that women have, the more women disagree with all reasons to justify beating husbands to wives. This shows that in the future this attitude can reduce domestic violence as a cause of divorce. However, this study needs a more comprehensive analysis. This study also recommends the need for strengthening gender-based legislation to eliminate violence against women and will have an impact on women welfare and family resilience.</em></p>


  • The results indicate that the two indicators of women's empowerment, that is women's participation in household decision making and women's control of her income were related to disagreement towards domestic violence

  • Perempuan bali dalam pergulatan gender (kajian budaya, tradisi, dan agama hindu)

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Selain merupakan hak fundamental manusia, kesetaraan gender juga menjadi dasar bagi terciptanya dunia yang damai, sejahtera, dan berkelanjutan (Komnas HAM, 2013). Mengakhiri kekerasan terhadap perempuan dan anak merupakan suatu keharusan dan menjadi target yang harus dicapai pada tahun 2030. Perkembangan Capaian IDG dan Perkembangan Jumlah Kekerasan Terhadap Perempuan di Indonesia, 2010-2017. Jumlah kekerasan di tahun 2017 meningkat sekitar 25 persen dibandingkan tahun 2016 yang sebanyak 259.150 kasus. Perempuan dan Perlindungan Anak (KPPPA), dimana satu dari tiga perempuan usia produktif (15-64 tahun) mengalami kekerasan fisik dan/atau seksual. Dari sekitar 33,4 persen perempuan yang mengalami kekerasan, 24,3 persen diantaranya pernah mengalami kekerasan fisik dan seksual oleh pasangan maupun selain pasangan (KPPPA, 2017). Perlu kiranya dilakukan penelitian untuk menggambarkan karakteristik kondisi pemberdayaan gender, kekerasan terhadap perempuan, dan perceraian sebagai dampak dari kekerasan sebagai upaya peningkatan kesejahteraan dan kesehatan perempuan, serta menjaga ketahanan keluarga

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