
Understanding the verses of the Quran is an essential requirement in learning the Quran. It is particularly relevant to students of tahfiz al Quran who often immerse themselves in memorizing and reciting the Quran. However, the aspect of understanding the verses of the Quran is given less attention in their learning, with much emphasis placed solely on memorization. This study is to examine the importance of understanding the verses and to analyse its application among tahfiz students. The study was carried out qualitatively by looking at past studies, authoritative books and the views of Islamic scholars. The result of this study reveals the significance of understanding the verses of the Quran is an essential element in learning and appreciating the Quran, especially for those who memorize the Quran. However, the aspect of understanding the verses is still not given sufficient attention in tahfiz learning. The study suggests more detailed studies be conducted in the future to improve the element of understanding in learning tahfiz al Quran. The study anticipates providing important information in empowering and enhancing learning methods in Tahfiz institutions across the country.

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