
This research is a development research that is focused on developing CourseLab-based Learning Devices on the Principle of Work Engine for 11th grade students, SMK Darussalam Makassar. The research model used in this study refers to the model developed by Dick & Carey which consists of three stages, namely (1) Identification Phase, At this stage the researcher clarifies the objectives, conducts instructional analysis of learning, and identifies initial behavior and characteristics of students; (2) Development Phase, at this stage the researcher develops courselab-based learning media with the activities of formulating objectives and benchmark reference tests, and developing learning strategies and tools, (3) testing and evaluation stages. Furthermore, the CourseLab-based learning tool that has been developed is then validated by two experts to determine whether the learning device is valid and is suitable for use. The results showed that, the learning tools that had been developed were declared valid by experts. Thus, learning tools are appropriate for self-study.

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