
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a growing technology especially in the health sector. This technology promises to improve the quality of effective and efficient work in diagnosing, providing treatment and managing diseases. The rapid growth in technology also creates ethical and justice risks and can lead to potential violations of the principles of Maqasid al-Shariah. Maqasid al-Shariah includes the care of hifz al-nafs (preservation of the soul), hifz al-maal (preservation of wealth), hifz al-nasl (preservation of offspring), hifz al-'aql (preservation of reason), and hifz al-din (preservation religion). Therefore, this study aims to analyze the relationship between Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Maqasid al-Shariah in the context of health. This study will focus on the perspective of Islamic health and how the application of AI in this field can affect the achievement of those goals. The methodology used in this study is based on a qualitative design. The data collection method is by conducting a library study to understand the current situation, latest developments, and issues related to the study. Related materials are analyzed with the application of artificial intelligence in the field of health and relevance to the principles of Maqasid al-Shariah. The results of the study may produce recommendations and guidelines for the development of technology that is in line with Islamic principles, including an emphasis on ethics, justice, and the preservation of religious values.

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