
Armada penangkapan yang beroperasi di Laut Arafura terus meningkat, mencapai sekitar 1500 kapal dengan berbagai ukuran pada 2019, dan 40% diantaranya adalah armada penangkap cumi-cumi. Armada kapal penangkap cumi cumi yang beroperasi di Laut Arafura datang dari utara Jawa dan Bali, dengan basis pendaratan di Muara Baru, Cirebon, Probolinggo, dan Benoa. Sampai saat ini permintaan izin alokasi penangkapan kuhususnya armada squid jigging masih terus bertambah, sedangkan disisi lain kondisi sumberdaya dan kapasitas penangkapan cumi-cumi belum diketahui. Kondisi ini telah menimbulkan berbagai permasalahan yang beragam, yang dalam hasil kajian ini dipetakan meliputi daya dukung sumberdaya cumi-cumi, teknologi penangkapan dan tenaga kerja, serta masalah rantai pasok serta sosial budaya. Rekomendasi disampaikan untuk rencana aksi pengelolaan perikanan cumi-cumi di WPP718.The number of active fishing vessels in the Arafura Sea has increased significantly in recent decades. About 1500 fishing fleets have registered with licenses, while 40% of that vessels are squid-targeting vessels. The fleet predominantly originated from the North of Java and Bali, with ports based in Muara Baru Jakarta, Cirebon, Probolinggo, and Benoa-Bali. Currently, the fishing license demand from Java and Bali fishers is still high and tends to increase yearly. Still, the stock status and fishing capacity of all the fleets targeting squids in the Arafura Sea are unknown. This situation spurs challenges to the management measures, including assessing the carrying capacity of this valuable squid fishery, identifying labor challenges, limiting technological input, identifying and managing the supply chain, and knowing the social culture of the fishery. Recommendations have been addressed to develop the Squid Fishery Management Action Plan in FMA 718 (the Arafura Sea).

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