
The focus of this research is on "Government Policy in Empowering Home Industries to Improve Family Welfare" taking the research location in Tanggaan District, North Aceh Regency. The aim of this research is to describe government policy in empowering home industries (banana sales) and its obstacles in improving family welfare. The type of research used is a descriptive qualitative approach using techniques to obtain data through interviews, observation and documentation. Data analysis techniques are carried out through data collection, data reduction, data presentation and drawing conclusions (verification). The informants used were 11 people who were determined purposively, consisting of the sub-district head, community leaders, gampong geuchik and home industry business managers in Tanggaan District. The research results show that government policy in empowering home industries (banana sales) is realized through actions to provide awareness, provide intellectual capacity (human resources) such as abilities, knowledge, skills, facilitation of business capital. The problem is that 21 home industries in Stepan District generate an average income of IDR 5,000,000 to IDR 7,000,000 per month. However, they have not been able to develop their business optimally and continuously, because the government has never carried out empowerment. The conclusion is that government policy in empowering home industry is realized through actions to provide awareness, provide intellectual capacity (human resources) such as knowledge, know-how and skills, facilitate business capital. This policy has not been realized effectively, because there are still various obstacles such as low individual awareness, minimal human resources such as ability, knowledge and skills, limited working capital, minimal marketing activities and limited raw materials. It is recommended that the government take empowerment actions for home industry businesses, so that they can increase family income, improve human resources, facilitate access to capital, and expand marketing activities.
 Keywords: "Policy, Government, and Home Industry"

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