
Forest is an ecosystem unit in the form of a stretch of land containing biological natural resourcesdominated by trees in its natural environment which can not be separated from the life of indigineous communities. This study aims to find out the diversity of vegetation types of stand composition trees in Gunung Soka Indigenous Forest. This study used transect method and the transect lineswere determined purposively. There were 4 (four) transect lines with 500 m lenght, 10 m wide to the left and 10 m wide to the right. The observation plot was 20 m, and there were 25 plots, so the total was 1 ha. There were 100 plots to study with 4 transect line so the total area was 4 ha. The result show that there are 23 trees vegetation consists of 13 family, 741 of individual trees in Gunung Soka Indigenous Forest. The highest important value index (INP) was found in engkabang bukit (Shorea pinanga Scheff.) with a value of 82,25, while the lowest important value index was found in keraci (Quercus lucida Roxb.) with a value of 1,42. The Dominance index (C) of trees vegetation is 0,17525 or C = 1 ,which shows that there are more than one dominant tree. The Diversity index (DS) of trees vegetation is closte to 1, which shows moderate diversity of species. The Highest species Abundance index (e) of tree vegetation was found in line 1 with a value of 0,9493, meanwhile the lowest value was found in line 2 with a value of 0,5764.Kata Kunci : Diversity,indigenous forest, tree vegetation


  • PENDAHULUAN Hutan adat jika dilihat menurut Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia No 41 tahun 1999 tentang kehutanan adalah hutan negara yang berada dalam wilayah masyarakat hukum adat

  • This study aims to find out the diversity of vegetation types of stand composition trees in Gunung Soka Indigenous Forest

  • The result show that there are 23 trees vegetation consists of 13 family, 741 of individual trees in Gunung Soka Indigenous Forest

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21 Petai Padi

Tabel 1menunjukan bahwa jenis engkabang bukit (Shorea pinanga) merupakan jenis yang memiliki INP paling besar pada setiap jalur pengamatan, yaitu jalur 1 (INP 82,25), jalur 2 (INP 72,42), jalur 3 (INP 59,26) dan jalur 4 (INP 50,17). Sementara INP paling kecil, untuk jalur 1 terdapat pada jenis jelutung (Dyera costulata) (INP 2,78), jalur 2 terdapat pada jenis gaharu (Aquilaria malaccensis) (INP 0,93),jalur 3 terdapat pada jenis petai padi (Parkia singilaris) (INP 1,83)dan jalur 4 terdapat pada jenis melaban (Tristania sp) (INP 1,91). Tabel 2 menunjukan, indeks dominasi paling besar pada jalur 1 terdapat pada jenis engkabang bukit ( Shorea pinanga ) (C 0,07517), sementara indek dominasi paling kecil terdapat pada jenis jelutung ( Dyera costulata) (C 0,00008). Jalur 2, indek dominasi besar terdapat pada jenis Engkabang bukit ( Shorea pinanga (C 0,05827), sementara indeks dominasi paling kecil terdapat pada jenis Keraci

Kayu Asem
Hutan Adat Gunung SokaDusun
Adanya beberapa jenis tingkat pohon yang menurut IUCN masuk dalam Red
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