
Ants is a one of the biotic components in the forests of Kalimantan, this animal has a number of diverse species. This study aims to record and analyze the diversity of ant species in the area of Gunung Selindung of Twi Mentibar Village in Selakau Sub-District of Sambas Regency. The research method was purposive sampling where the placement of traps was done intentionally according to the presence of ants in three forest cover areas that is in open, medium and closed fores areas, divided into two area namely terestrial strata and arboreal. The results showed that there where nine species of ants (Formicidae) found in the Mount Selindung Forest area, namely black field ants (Formica sp), rang-rang (Oecophyllasp) pudak ant (Tapinoma melanocep), the black garden ant (Lasius niger), black ant (Dolichoderus teracicus), yellow crazy ant (Anoplolepis gracilipes), jumping ant (Harpagenethas Saltator), honey ant (Myrmecocystus sp), and sembadak ant (Odontomachus sp). The diversity index of the terestrial (H '), of three types of forest cover areas, namely closed areas (H' = 0.63), moderate (H '= 0.76), and open area strata(H '= 0.73), all still showes the value of low species diversity; the species diversity index int the arboreal (H '), of the three types of forest cover areas namely closed area (H '), moderate (H = 0.61), and open area (H '= 0.55) all still showes the value of low species diversity. keyword: Ants, protected fores, , species diversity, Twi Mentibar Village


  • PENDAHULUAN Semut termasuk ordo Hymenoptera dan famili formicidae, merupakan satwa yang mudah dikenali walaupun terdapat serangga lain yang sangat menyerupai semut

  • This study aims to record and analyze the diversity of ant species in the area of Gunung Selindung of Twi Mentibar Village in Selakau Sub-District of Sambas Regency

  • The research method was purposive sampling where the placement of traps was done intentionally according to the presence of ants in three forest cover areas that is in open, medium and closed fores areas, divided into two area namely terestrial strata and arboreal

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Penelitian dilaksanakan di kawasan Gunung Selindung Desa Twi Mentibar

April 2018 dilanjutkan identifikasi jenis semut dan analisis data. Jalur pengamatan ditetapkan berdasarkan terestrial dan arboreal kondisi tutupan lahan yaitu areal terbuka, sedang dan tertutup. Peletakan jebakan dilakukan dengan sengaja (purposive sampling) dengan memperhatikan tipe hutan dan keberadaan sarang semut. Penempatan jebakan di setiap jalur dan tipe jebakan, yaitu: 1. Bagian terestrial mengunakan jebakan jatuh berumpan (Pitfall Traps). 2. Bagian arboreal menggunakan perangkap kertas berperekat (Fly Sheet) dengan ukuran 10×10 cm dengan ketinggian sekitar 6 meter. Setiap tipe hutan dilakukan tiga pemasangan perangkap dengan tiga ulangan yaitu pukul 07.00-17.00, pukul. 17.00-07.00 dan pukul 07.00-17.00 di hari berikutnya

Analisis data diukur meliputi Indeks
No Jenis Semut
Terbuka Sedang Tertutup
Areal sedang
Tipe Habitat
Areal tertutup
Jenis yang terdapat pada arboreal di Kawasan Hutan Gunung
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