
Peatland is a weatland ecosystem formed by the accumulation of organic matter on the forest floor from the debris of the vegetation above it for a long time. This process occurs because of the slow rate of decomposition compared to the rate of deposition of organic matter on the wet/inundated forest floor. This study aims to determine the vegetation species diversity found in the peat swamp forest of the area of Gunung Ambawang protected forest in Kubu Sub-District of Kubu Raya Regency. The method used in this study is a plot method with the initial determination of the plot carried out through purposive sampling then the other plots were carried out by systematic sampling. Observation of forest compositionwas made in 5 (five) observation plots, with a length of 200 m, width of each plot being 20 m and distance between plots 100 m. The research found 39 species of vegetation dominated by medang species (Litsea sp) of the Lauraceae family, which is the most common vegetation found in the peat swamp forest area in the protected forest og Gunung Ambawang.Keywords: peat swamp forest, protection forest, species diversity


  • PENDAHULUAN Alikodra (1990) menjelaskan bahwa keanekaragaman jenis dapat ditemukan pada keanekaragaman hayati, yaitu tempat terdapatnya berbagai macam variasi bentuk, penampilan, jumlah dan sifat makhluk yang terdapat pada tingkat ekosistem, tingkat jenis dan tingkat genetika

  • Peatland is a weatland ecosystem formed by the accumulation of organic matter on the forest floor from the debris of the vegetation above it for a long time

  • This process occurs because of the slow rate of decomposition compared to the rate of deposition of organic matter on the wet/inundated forest floor

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Pada tingkat pancang yang mendominasi adalah adalah jambujambu (Syzygium sp) dengan INP 60.04%, medang (Litsea sp) dengan INP 49.39%, kemuning (Murraya paniculata Jack) dengan INP 31.74%, pasir-pasir Blume) dengan INP 27.68%, gelam tikus (Syzygium zeylanicum) dengan INP 16.60%. Dominasi individu pada tingkat pancang banyak tersebar dan mumpunyai jumlah pertumbuhan yang stabil dan berkembang secara merata pada wilayah penelitian.

Kayu Malam
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