
Family is one of the first and most basic institutions, although it’s different in style and function, that have survived from primitive formations to developed societies has. The history of the family actually starts with the history of the human. The family, which is a social institution, is also in the field of interest of other sciences that affect it. Family as a word is used in Turkish in the same way as in Arabic. Defining the family as a concept is quite complex. The multifaceted structure of the family affects the way it is discussed and examined. From this perspective, it is seen that the norms and the principles about the family are actually directly related to one’s perception of person. “Islamic Family” is determined by revelation and the principles put forward by the Prophet and the living examples of these principles in actual life. When we look at the basic Islamic references, marriage, which is the basis of the family, is accepted as the only legitimate relationship that allows men and women to create a space of privacy and sharing that we can establish and contribute to the continuation of the human race.The spread of human knowledge and traditions throughout the historical process and the study of this process are called “historical epistemology”. In this article, the interaction of the Islamic Family in social, political, cultural, religious, and economic fields and these effect on tradition are examined in the context of "Historical epistemology", which is an applied epistemology. The idea of family and the production of knowledge within this framework, the development of this knowledge and its presentation to humanity, and its change in the historical process have been discussed.

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