1. Somatic chromosomes of sixty eight species found in Japan and in some foreign countries were reported (Table 1, Figs. 1-67). They belong to forty four genera in fourteen tribes, i.e. Hordeum, Hystrix, Elymus, Agropyron, Lolium, Bromus, Briza, Festuca, Poa, Glyceria, Torreyochloa, Agrostis, Calamagrostis, Koeleria, Deschampsia, Arrhenatherum, Holcus, Brachyelytrum, Stipa, Phaenosperma, Hakonechloa, Pleioblastus, Sinoarundinaria, Pseudosasa, Sinobambusa, Sasamorpha, Semiarundinaria, Arundinaria, Sasa, Cleistogenes, Muhlenbergia, Eragrostis, Zoysia, Cenchrus, Setaria, Oplismenus, Paspalum, Andropogon, Bothriochloa, Pseudopogonatherum, Sorgum, Ischaemum, Phacelurus and Coix.2. Torreyochloa natans, which had no cytological study up to now, showed fourteen medium or somewhat large chromosomes, differing from those of Glyceria (cf. Church 1949).3. Deschampsia caespitosa obtained at Mt. Hotaka had twenty seven chromosomes in somatic cells, one being very small chromosomes in contrast to the others and twenty six ordinary ones.4. In Koeleria cristata, among thirteen individuals studied, one individual collected in Tokyo showed fifteen somatic chromosomes, one being very small chromosome in comparison with the others and fourteen ordinary ones, and the other individuals showed sixteen chromosomes, two being very small chromosomes and fourteen ordinary ones.5. Twelve species of Bambuseae observed all showed forty eight chromosomes in somatic cells.6. Paspalum dilatatum showed fifty chromosomes in somatic cells, in agreement with Krishnaswamy's (1940) observation, suggesting a basic number of five in Paniceae.7. Karyotaxonomic information concerning the genus Brachyelytrum was mentioned.The writer wishes to express his cordial thanks to Dr. Y. Takenaka, Dr. J. Ohwi and Prof. Dr. H. Ono, who gave him various valuable advices and helps during the course of the present investigations. The writer's thanks are also due to Dr. S. Matsumura, Dr. R. W. Pohl and Mr. S. Nakao, who kindly sent or offered materials for the writer's use, and to Prof. Dr. K. Dan and Dr. J. Dan for their kindness in reading the manuscript.
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