
The aim of this study was obtained suitable conditions on the modification of hanjeli flour with variations of hanjeli flour moisture and heating temperature so as to improve the characteristics of hanjeli flour and increased its used into flakes products. The benefit of this study was an increase the added value of local raw materials that widely used, to utilized the technology of modification method of Heat Moisture Treatment for food processing made from raw hanjeli for hanjeli characteristics can be applied to flakes products. The study was divided into three stages: preliminary, main and second research. The experimental design used in this study was Randomized Block Design (RBD) consist of two factors: moisture level and heating temperature with 3 levels and 3 time replications, so that 27 experimental units were obtained. The treatment design consisted of variations was conducted in moisture a1 (20%), a2 (25%), a3 (30%), and heating temperature b1 (90oC), b2 (100oC), b3 (110oC). The result of this study was obtained that the selected sample were a3b1 (moisture level 30% and heating temperature 90oC) with an average water content 9,657%, amylose 8,393% and setback viscosity 955,000 cP. The preparation of flakes from selected modified hanjeli flour was tested for water content, amylose, water absorption of flakes and the organoleptic response


  • The aim of this study was obtained suitable conditions on the modification of hanjeli flour with variations of hanjeli flour moisture and heating temperature so as to improve the characteristics of hanjeli flour and increased its used into flakes products

  • utilized the technology of modification method of Heat Moisture Treatment for food processing made from raw hanjeli for hanjeli characteristics can be applied to flakes products

  • The study was divided into three stages

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Masyarakat urban cenderung menerapkan pola makan yang serba instan, praktis dan siap saji. Nurjanah (2000), menyatakan olahan sereal yang banyak dikonsumsi selain mie dan roti, yaitu produk sereal, seperti minuman sarapan, produk ekstrusi dan flakes menempati angka tertinggi pola konsumsi masyarakat. Pati alami yang terdapat pada biji hanjeli mempunyai beberapa kekurangan yaitu membutuhkan waktu yang lama dalam pengolahan, pasta yang terbentuk lengket dan tidak tahan terhadap perlakuan dengan asam (Nurmala, 2011). Modifikasi pati menggunakan metode fisik memiliki kelebihan cenderung lebih aman serta lebih alami dibanding dengan perlakuan kimia (Putri dan Elok, 2017). Heat Moisture Treatment (HMT) merupakan modifikasi pati secara fisik terhadap granula pati dengan kadar air kurang dari 35% (kondisi lembab) selama menit sampai dengan jam, pada suhu 80oC sampai dengan 120oC (Pangesti dkk., 2014). Penelitian ini menentukan perlakuan HMT dengan faktor variasi kadar air yang dapat menyebabkan reformasi struktur amilosa dan amilopektin, sehingga granula pati lebih mudah menyerap air (Santosa dkk., 2018). Faktor kedua adalah variasi suhu pemanasan, dimana semakin tinggi suhu dapat menurunkan kelarutan pati (Sunyoto dkk., 2016)

Metode Penelitian
Hasil dan Pembahasan
Kadar Amilosa
Suhu Awal Gelatinisasi
Viskositas Balik
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