
The study of characterization of emissions coming out from pulp and paper industries using bagasse (non-wood) as raw material include recovery boiler, power boiler, smelt dissolving tank, lime kiln, and chlorine washer units. Whereas the study of characterization of emissions coming out from pulp and paper industries using wood as raw material include recovery boiler and power boiler units. The emission parameter measured include Cl2, TRS, particulate, NOx, NO2, NO, SO2, CO2 and CO. Cl2 and TRS concentrations were done by iodometric method. Particulate was determined by gravimetric method. The concentration of NOx, NO2 and NO were measured by chemiluminescence method. Non-dispersive infra red (NDIR) method was used to measure for SO2, CO and CO2 parameters. The results study reveal that the power boiler using heavy fuel oil emited SO2 concentration above emissions standard. Recovery boiler, lime kiln, and smelt dissolving tank, in generally, also emited particulate concentrantion above emissions standard. The equipments for air emissions control such as cyclone scrubber and electro static precipitator used in pulp and paper industry are required to be operated in the optimum condition.

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