
This research aimed to know the characteristic and viability of 38 frangipani varieties’ pollen (Plumeria spp.) in Bali. The observation of pollen’s character used acetolysis method, whereas the observation of pollen’s viability used 1 % color of aniline blue. The measurement was done by micrometry. The result of the observation toward 38 frangipani varieties showed the variety of the length of polar axis between 36,48 ± 4,91 – 57,87 ± 3,89 µm, diameter of equatorial between 30,18 ± 4,64 – 55,24 ± 5,52 µm, index P/E between 0,85 ± 0,10 – 1,42 ± 0,13, and also pollen’s viability in the amount of 21,51 %. The highest percentage of pollen’s viability was found in variety of P. alba L. 'Snow White' in the amount of 42,31 whereas the lowest was found in variety of P. rubra L. 'Red Ajanta'. Based on index P/E, the pollen of frangipani could be divided into group subpheroidal to prolat. Based on the length of polar axis, the pollen of frangipani could be divided into group media to magna.


  • The measurement was done by micrometry

  • The result of the observation toward 38 frangipani varieties showed the variety of the length of polar axis

  • The highest percentage of pollen's viability was found in variety of P. alba L

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Panjang Aksis

Pengujian fertilitas serbuk sari dengan menggunakan uji viabilitas serbuk sari dengan uji warna 1% anilin blue (Ulfah et al, 2015) yaitu sebagai berikut. Serbuk sari diambil dan diletakkan pada gelas objek yang telah ditetesi dengan anilin blue 1%. Viabilitas serbuk sari dapat dihitung dengan menggunakan rumus sebagai berikut (Ulfah et al, 2015). Serbuk sari bunga kamboja memiliki ukuran panjang aksis polar 36,48 – 57,87 μm, diameter bidang ekuatorial 27,53 – 56,49 μm. Panjang aksis polar serbuk sari tertinggi dijumpai pada ragam P. alba 'Yelow Rejuna' sebesar 57, 78 μm, sedangkan terkecil dijumpai pada ragam P. rubra 'Singapore Sassy'. Diameter bidang ekuatorial serbuk sari tertinggi dijumpai pada ragam P. rubra 'Sudamala', sedangkan terendah dijumpai pada ragam P. rubra 'Bhretidipa Sudemala'. Berdasarkan indeks P/E perbandingan rerata ukuran panjang aksis polar (P) dan diameter bidang ekuatorial (E) diperoleh 36 ragam tanaman memiliki serbuk sari tipe subpheroidal. Sebanyak 2 ragam memiliki tipe serbuk sari prolat yaitu pada ragam P. rubra L. Karakteristik dan viabilitas serbuk sari ragam tanaman kamboja (Plumeria spp.)

Viabilitas serbuk sari
PEMBAHASAN Dari hasil pengamatan unit serbuk sari
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