
Jeringau (Acoruscalamus L.) rhizomes essential oil has an antibacterial activity so that it can be used as additives in transparent soap.The purpose of this research was to study the effect of jeringau rhizome essential oil as an antibacterial of Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli on quality of transparent soap. Jeringau rhizome was extracted by steam and water distillation method to obtain the essential oil, then the essential oil was added to the formula of transparent soap according to the treatments. The treatments were addition of jeringau rhizome essential oils, such as S0 (0 mL) as control; S1 (0.05 mL); S2 (0.10 mL); S3 (0.15 mL); and S4 (0.20 mL) in 100 mL of transparent soap formula. Data were statistically analyzed using analysis of variance and Duncan ʹ s New Multiple Range Test at 5%. Research result showed that addition of jeringau essential oils significantly affected antibacterial activity against S. aureus and E. coli, water content, total fatty acid, free fatty acid, and degree of acidity (pH). The highest quality of transparent soap in this research was S4 (0.20 mL addition of jeringau rhizome essential oils). The transparent soap from this treatment hadan antibacterial activity which showed11.67 and 15.46 mm on inhibitory zone against S. aureus and E. coli,12.37% water content, 34.42% total fatty acid, 1.76% free fatty acid, 9.93 degree of acidity, and 0.05 value of iritation test (almost invisible). Keywords: Essential oil, jeringau(Acoruscalamus L.), transparent soap, antibacterial

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