
The article is an attempt to show the possibility and necessity of the introduction the new development policy to the implementationof new development policy – based on the so-calledthe territorial dimension – the integrated planning model and integrated system projects. The author tries to show that the territorial dimensionof development policy imposes an integrated development planning. A leading factor for this concept is orientation of the policies on creation of a new resource in the form of territorial capital. The author defines the notion of the territorial capital, as a special type of relational human capital, the quality of which is conditional on the sustainable development of three related factors; the economic, social and environmental. A special accent has been put onthe relationship between physical planning , quality of economic and social relations and productivity of human capital. In the conclusions of the author shows that the adoption of the concept of development based on the building of the territorial capital, it will not be possible without the introduction of an integrated planning procedures and integrated development strategy in relation to defined functional areas.

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