
Purpose: to determine the relationship between achievement motivation and the attitudes of schoolchildren of 11-17 years old and students of 18-21 years old to independent sports and passing control standards in the discipline \"Physical Education\". Material: 1576 schoolchildren (boys n = 780 and girls n = 796) of comprehensive schools of Belgorod, Stary Oskol, Stroitel and Shebekino (Belgorod region, Russian Federation) and 246 students (men n = 127) were surveyed. and women n = 119) Belgorod State Technological University named after V.G. Shukhov (Belgorod, Russian Federation). The questionnaire consisted of three blocks of questions: the 1st block of questions - questions aimed at determining the age, sex, place of study of the respondent; 2nd block of questions - 8 questions, allowing to assess the attitude of the respondent to independent sports activities and the desire to take control standards of the discipline \"Physical Education\"; 3rd block of questions is a test of 20 questions, developed by A.A. Rean, to assess the motivation to achieve success and avoid failures. Results: the motivation for avoiding failures was diagnosed in 5% male students and 10% female students. A direct correlation between achievement motivation and the attitude of schoolchildren and students towards independent sports activities and passing control standards has been revealed. Conclusions: there are no differences in the correlation between the relationship between achievement motivation and attitudes toward independent sports by gender. Schoolchildren and students with motivation to achieve regular self-exercise. Schoolchildren and students with a pronounced motivation for avoiding failures prefer a passive way of life. They do not want to pass standards on the discipline \"Physical Education\" and do not go in for sports on their own.

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