
This researh studies about the techniques, methods, and ideologies of the English-Indonesian translation of the political language in the international political news in printed media. The printed media used as the representation of the data is taken from Jawa Post, the national-printed media, and Solo Pos, the local-printed media. The aim of this reseach is to know how the techniques, methods, and ideologies of English-Indonesian translation of the political language in the international political news in printed media are used, especially the news about the United States as the super power country written in English, in the western-printed media news, and the news transfered into the national and local-printed media in Indonesian language. The method used in this reseach is descriptive qualitative research with holistic criticism approach. This approach consists of three aspects which should be studied together in one unity, and should be correlated one and onother. Those three aspects are: Firstly, the objective aspect that is the political news of Jawa Pos and Solo Pos in Indonesian language as target text, and the political news in English as the source text. Secondly, genetic aspect that is the object’s maker, represented by the translators of those two media. Thirdly, the affective aspect that is the readers of the political news of Jawa Pos and Solo Pos , represented by the three relevat experts. After the three aspects have been studied, it will result in the comprehensive result of research. The result of this research will show the techniques, metods of the translation of political language in the internatioanal political news in those printed media, and the ideologies in those media. What kinds of techniques, and methods are used in translating the text, and what ideology is used by the translator, and also the society’s ideology which influenced the formation of the international political news in Indonesian language as the target text. Finally, the researcher can say that the holistic criticism approach of the research is the comprehensive and ideal one. The holistic criticism approach is the most appropriate method for social scienses since the three important aspects studied simultaneously. So, those three aspects come to be one unity in which they are unseparable. Key words : holistic study, technique, method, and ideology, international political news.

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