
Contamination of contaminants in river are more due to human activities (antropogenic), such as the disposal of industrial waste and domestic waste. One type of inorganic pollutants that is toxic to living organism including human is cadmium (Cd). The movement of Cd in river water into the soil along the river is naturally and by human activity. The objectives of this study was to examine the distribution of Cd in soil on the river banks of the Cikarang Bekasi Laut (CBL) river, in Bekasi West Java, based on the distance from the pollutant sources during rainy and dry season (spatially and temporally). This study used a survey method in sampling plants, water and soil. Sampling was conducted at 10 sites and 10 observation times (dry and rainy season). The analyses of Cd content were conducted on plant, water and soil samples. In addition, pH was also measured in soil and water samples. Vegetable samples were collected from the field were kale, spinach and caisin. Statistical analyses comparized of analyses of variance (F test), comparatine analyses of the mean and correlation analyses. The results showed that the contents of Cd in the soil samples that close to the surface of the river water were higher than those of other soil samples. This was caused by the movement of Cd from the river water naturally due to changes in water level or river discharge fluctuation, as a consequence of changes in dry and rainy seasons. At sites further from the river (on land of cultivation), the presence of Cd in soil was mainly due to the use of river water for irrigation. Watering plant was mostly done during the dry season, at which the concentration of Cd in river water was relatively higher. The content of Cd in plant tissue (Spinach, kale and caisin) had a positive correlation with the content of Cd in the soil. The average content of Cd from the three plants were spinach > kale > caisin, consecutively. Keywords: antropogenic, cadmium (Cd), Cd uptake, pollution, riverbanks


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  • The results showed that the contents of Cd in the soil samples that close to the surface of the river water were higher than those of other soil samples

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Bahan yang digunakan meliputi Peta Rupa Bumi Skala 1:25.000 di wilayah Sungai CBL, yang terdiri dari 11 lembar, sampel tanaman (bayam, kangkung dan caisin) dari lahan petani, bahan-bahan untuk analisis kimia tanah, air dan tanaman. Alat yang digunakan meliputi GPS tipe Garmin tipe 60CSx, bor belgi, alat pengambilan sampel tanah dan air, serta alat pengukuran debit sungai. Penelitian dilakukan dengan metode survey yaitu dalam pengambilan sampel tanaman, sampel tanah dan air sungai pada titik-titk lokasi dan waktu yang telah ditetapkan, dapat dilihat pada Tabel 1. Penetapan titik-titik lokasi dilakukan dengan teknik Purposive Sampling, yaitu penentuan titik sampling berdasarkan pertimbangan : a) adanya konsentrasi pemanfaatan lahan oleh petani di bantaran sungai untuk budidaya tanaman sayuran, b) jarak titik lokasi dengan percabangan anak sungai, dan c) jarak antar titik-titik lokasi yang satu dengan yang lainnya. Berdasar pertimbangan tersebut telah ditetapkan 10 titik lokasi (Gambar 1) pengambilan sampel air, tanah dan tanaman dan 10 titik waktu pengamatan

Waktu Pengambilan Sampel
Pengambilan Sampel dan Analisis
Wilayah Studi
Debit dan Konsentrasi Cd Air Sungai
Sebaran Cd dalam Tanah di Bantaran Sungai CBL
Kandungan Cd dalam Sampel Tanaman
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