
This study aims to examine the use of multimedia in teaching and learning (PdP) Sulalatus Salatin in form six. The objective of this study is to identify the use of multimedia in PdP Sulalatus Salatin in terms of types, tools used, teacher skills, and curriculum needs. The second objective is to study students 'attitudes towards the use of multimedia in Sulalatus Salatin learning and the third to analyze the relationship between multimedia use in PdPc with students' understanding of Sulalatus Salatin text using the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM). The researcher distributed a set of questionnaire questions containing 36 questions that were closed to 30 forms six students at a school in the district of Kuala Kangsar, Perak. The findings show that the main reason for the use of multimedia in PdP Sulalatus Salatin in terms of multimedia type, tools used, teacher skills, and curriculum needs is because the use of LCD screen causes the text to appear larger and clearer with a mean score of 4.433 (sd = 0.8976). For the second objective, the two most dominant student attitudes with a mean score of 4,400 that is with the use of multimedia, writing in the text of Sulalatus Salatin is clearer and easier to read (sd = 0.7701), while students are actively involved during the teaching of Sulalatus Salatin text (sd = 0.8944). Next, for the third objective, the relationship between the use of multimedia with the highest level of students' understanding of Sulalatus Salatin text is that students are easier to read and understand the synopsis on Sulalatus Salatin text with a mean score of 4,600 (sd = 0.6215). In conclusion, this study was implemented to provide exposure to the advantages of multimedia used by teachers while teaching Sulalatus Salatin text in form six.

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