
Young job seekers are led by different motivational factors. Their work expectations and future employment are influenced by values, personality traits, social context, profession’s reputation and many other factors. At the same time, employers want to get the best possible personnel that will demonstrate motivation and efficiency. Within a company, personnel should be offered the opportunity to meet certain expectations and needs, since only satisfied employees and their families can form a firm foundation for future corporate development and progress. A survey of young between the ages of 18 and 30 revealed what motivates them when choosing a job, whereby in the analysis we highlight their willingness to join the Slovenian Armed Forces. The analysis reveals that young people can be classified into different groups based on their expectations regarding the future work. It is important to enable young people to acquire skills that are also useful in civilian occupations. We believe that it is possible to meet the needs of those who will develop into the professional backbone of the SAF, as well as those who will leave after several years of work and pursue a career in the civilian sphere. Key words Work expectations, employment, youth, values, Slovenian Armed Forces.

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