
Theologically speaking, it is in this situation that we begin to sense the imminence of the KAIROTIC GEO-POLITICS. We begin with the Biblical geo-politics of God’s Reign, which would manifest itself in the geo-politics of globalization. In the Bible there are two distinct geo-political configurations: One is the imperial and royal geo-politics, and the other is that of the Reign of God. The latter we call the Kairotic geo-politics. The Kairotic geo-politics makes radical interventions for the new life in the OIKOS (household) of God. The OIKOS is the abode of the life, created by God. The geo-politics of the Egyptian, Babylonian, Assyrian, Greek and Roman imperial powers were subverted by the Kairotic geo-politics of the Messianic Reign of the new heaven and new earth in which the new and eternal life is celebrated in the new city (new Jerusalem) and in the New Garden (Rev.21 & 22). The creation of the cosmos and therein the life in the Garden is the original Kairotic act of God to overcome the forces and powers of darkness and chaos that cause to destroy the order of creation, the is, the order for the life. Christ is the decisive power of the new and eternal life. Christ has overcome the power of death to realize the Resurrection of the life. This is the Messianic Kairos. The Spirit is the ever-present power of life that renews the life and gives the power for new life in the universe and in all dimensions. The Messianic geo-politics of cosmic OIKOS in which the new and eternal full) life in the New City under the New Heaven and New Earth is celebrated is the paradigm to overcome the geo-politics that gives the power and basis to overcome the powers of death, present in the globalization process.

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